520: Alternate Modded Style:Xianghua Unbreakable_Parts

Alternate Modded Style:Xianghua Unbreakable_Parts // 256x384 // 296.9KB
- Reply
BurningFlareX: Modded costume for Xianghua

Comes with colorable skin. Multiple parts were model swapped, dress and shoes are unbreakable.

513: Custom Series:Witcher Style:Azwel Yennefer Yennefer_of_Vengerberg

Custom Series:Witcher Style:Azwel Yennefer Yennefer_of_Vengerberg // 256x384 // 109.5KB
- Reply
TerrorK: Improved/fixed version of my version of Yennefer at http://cascards.ajewelofrarity.com/post/view/478

512: Custom Series:Witcher Style:Azwel Triss Triss_Merigold

Custom Series:Witcher Style:Azwel Triss Triss_Merigold // 256x384 // 112.6KB
- Reply
TerrorK: Improved/fixed version of my version of Triss at http://cascards.ajewelofrarity.com/post/view/477

502: Custom Kunkka Series:Dota2 Style:Cervantes

Custom Kunkka Series:Dota2 Style:Cervantes // 256x384 // 190.2KB
- Reply
Rune: Hi there, please make sure to tag your creations properly according to our rules: http://cascards.ajewelofrarity.com/forum/view/5
I've fixed them for now, but any further upload with wrong tags will be deleted.

430: Female_Black_Panther Original_Character Series:Black_Panther Style:Taki

Female_Black_Panther Original_Character Series:Black_Panther Style:Taki // 256x384 // 185.2KB
- Reply
Sundiata: https://www.deviantart.com/darc4ssass1ncmd/art/Soul-Calibur-6-Ebony-Taki-as-Black-Panther-3-769160792

431: 2P Original_Character Style:2B

2P Original_Character Style:2B // 256x384 // 268.8KB
- Reply
Sundiata: https://www.deviantart.com/satsuinohado/art/2P-2B-Alt-from-Soul-Calibur-6-777566416

462: Custom DQ3_warrior Series:Dragon_Quest Style:Sophitia

Custom DQ3_warrior Series:Dragon_Quest Style:Sophitia // 256x384 // 193.7KB
- Reply
AQUA: https://imgur.com/a/IELYP5l Prev

344: Custom Hero Series:Chaos_seed Style:Kilik

Custom Hero Series:Chaos_seed Style:Kilik // 256x384 // 177.3KB
- Reply
AQUA: https://imgur.com/a/i7y2odb Prev

343: Custom Series:Shiren_the_Wanderer Shiren Style:Mitsurugi

Custom Series:Shiren_the_Wanderer Shiren Style:Mitsurugi // 256x384 // 308.8KB
- Reply
AQUA: https://imgur.com/a/tNrsXAF PREV

296: Modded Original_Character Style:Siegfried Undead_Paladin

Modded Original_Character Style:Siegfried Undead_Paladin // 256x384 // 155.7KB

- Reply
Nitron-X: The picture looks fine on a dark background, but sucks against a white one, I wanted it to look like he was behind a bunch of smoke.
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