2706: Custom DynnyB No_DLC Roronoa_Zoro Series:One_Piece Style:Mitsurugi Zoro

Custom DynnyB No_DLC Roronoa_Zoro Series:One_Piece Style:Mitsurugi Zoro // 256x384 // 223.3KB

- Reply
DynnyB: Roronoa Zoro (3 Versions) Showcase: https://youtu.be/Rpi8ljUJdzE

2701: Lizardman Modded Series:Soulcalibur Style:Lesser_Lizardman

Lizardman Modded Series:Soulcalibur Style:Lesser_Lizardman // 256x384 // 174.7KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: This is just a pre-made configuration that's already performed the workaround that this style can't be used without. As a warning to people who haven't used this style before, the moveset is very incomplete.

- Reply
LendriMujina: I've been informed that somebody else has already uploaded one like this. I apologize for that.

1356: Alternate Raphael Series:Soulcalibur Style:Raphael

Alternate Raphael Series:Soulcalibur Style:Raphael // 256x384 // 130.7KB

- Reply
Aurelius: bro how did you get that hat?

2628: Fezzik Series:The_Princess_Bride Style:Talim

Fezzik Series:The_Princess_Bride Style:Talim // 256x384 // 98.1KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: Wow. I IMMEDIATELY recognized this as Andre the Giant with a quick glance before even seeing any of the tags.

- Reply
Aurelius: Thanks. Glad to know I did a good job. :)

2665: Brutus_(AFK_Arena) CDLC DLC Modded Series:AFK_Arena Style:Nightmare

Brutus_(AFK_Arena) CDLC DLC Modded Series:AFK_Arena Style:Nightmare // 256x384 // 135.8KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: CDLC needed: Secret Inspector's Feathers, Algol's Pauldrons

2617: CDLC DLC Drez Modded Series:AFK_Arena Style:Xianghua Vodkalibur_Required

CDLC DLC Drez Modded Series:AFK_Arena Style:Xianghua Vodkalibur_Required // 256x384 // 137.9KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: Mask is breakable without breaking his head. CDLC needed for his tail.

2609: Diver Invisible_Weapon Modded Series:Soulcalibur Style:Sophitia

Diver Invisible_Weapon Modded Series:Soulcalibur Style:Sophitia // 256x384 // 64.5KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: The modern-day diver from Inferno/Souledge's ending in Soul Edge / Soul Blade. Designed to act how she does if you used a Gameshark to force the game to let you play as her.

2608: Series:Soulcalibur Soul_Blade Style:Mitsurugi Tanegashima Teppou_Hei

Series:Soulcalibur Soul_Blade Style:Mitsurugi Tanegashima Teppou_Hei // 256x384 // 97.0KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: The rifle soldier from Mitsurugi's ending in Soul Edge / Soul Blade. Designed to act how he does if you used a Gameshark to force the game to let you play as him.

2611: Invisible_Weapon Modded Series:Soulcalibur Style:Siegfried WOVOMA

Invisible_Weapon Modded Series:Soulcalibur Style:Siegfried WOVOMA // 256x384 // 107.1KB

- Reply
LendriMujina: Originally this placeholder character used Cassandra's 1P costume, but I recreated her third costume instead because Cassandra still looks very similar to how she did back then.

1580: Alucard Custom DLC DynnyB Series:Castlevania Style:Raphael

Alucard Custom DLC DynnyB Series:Castlevania Style:Raphael // 256x384 // 168.6KB

- Reply
DynnyB: Showcase: https://youtu.be/bEpGMk6_CEU

- Reply
Aurelius: amazing job. blows my Alucard out of the water.

- Reply
DynnyB: Thank you (:
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